Nursing DIagnosis Risk for Infection related to Scabies

Scabies is an infectious skin condition which is caused by the parasitic mites beneath the surface of the skin. They could be spread from one human host to another, while coming into contact with the infested human being. These mites are microscopic in nature and hence the symptoms appear about one or two weeks after the infestation.

Scabies can cause a lot of discomfort during pregnancy. Studies have shown that insecticides used to cure scabies can adversely affect the embryo and hence can have a negative impact on the infant. Usually 6-8% of the scabies repellent is absorbed at the time when it is externally applied to the skin.

Permethrin is another effective medicine used for the treatment of scabies. It is also an insecticide and is sold as a 5% lotion. It does not pose any side effects and therefore is safe to use during pregnancy. In most cases, the first trimester of pregnancy is crucial and therefore care must be taken. Lactating women must not apply the scabicides on the breasts and must keep the child away, so that the condition is not infested in the child.

Nursing Diagnosis for Risk for Infection related to damaged skin tissue and invasive procedures

Goal :
Avoid the risk of infection

Criteria for outcome :
  • Clients are free from signs and symptoms of infection
  • Showing the ability to prevent infection
  • Demonstrate healthy behavior
  • Describe the process of transmission of disease, factors that affect transmission.

Plan of action :
  • Monitor signs and symptoms of infection
  • Monitor susceptibility to infection
  • Limit visitors when necessary
  • Instruct the guests to wash their hands during a visit and after leaving the patient
  • Maintain aseptic environment during installation tool
  • Give skin care in the area epidema
  • Inspection of skin and mucous membranes of the redness, hot
  • Inspection of the wound
  • Provide antibiotic therapy if necessary
  • Teach how to avoid infection.
Nursing DIagnosis Risk for Infection related to Scabies

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